Yes, I finally have a blog. You may ask why I, unlike almost everyone in my training class and certainly the one after it, waited until after an as-advertised life-changing experience in Peace Corps to add my own reedy voice to the self-referential navel-gazing of my generation. Am I suggesting, your eyebrows may as well be saying, that I, too, deserve to be listened to only because I have a camera in my fake iPhone, a laptop, a belief in my own "wit," and nothing better to do? Wasn't it you (meaning me), you (meaning you) who know me (sigh) may be adding in smug recollection, who once claimed that bloggers don't do anything more than post in painstaking detail how they turned their old-school NES controller into an iPod case, following that with an ambient synth melody-rich playlist to accompany said activity?
To distract you from these imagined accusations for which I have no defense, I offer the below picture. I like the steps up to the door best of all. Welcome to this world in which we live in.

Is there a synth-pop band named Milkbar in your ipod?
Are you asking whether I listen to my own band?!
ya, I done bes askin' that.
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